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"The US space agency (Nasa) has quashed any idea that it is hiding information related to discoveries made on Mars."
"Greenpeace says it is concerned about the electronic waste trade in Ghana which it claims is putting the health of workers at risk."
"We have just 100 months to act to prevent dangerous climate change, says Andrew Simms. In this week's Green Room, he outlines plans for a "Green New Deal" that could sort out the pressing problems we have with climate, energy...
"But the only reason that the net and the web can cope with that punishing pace is thanks to work done four decades ago by British mathematician Donald Davies at the UK's National Physical Laboratory (NPL). "
"The pioneering Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) based at the Daresbury Laboratory in Warrington, UK, will be switched off on Monday."
Displaying results 2011 to 2015 out of 2977